MCB Bank Ltd formerly known as Muslim Commercial Bank Limited was incorporated by the Adamjee Group on July 9, 1947, under the IndianCompanies Act, VII of 1913 as a limited company. This was the first bank to privatized in 1991 and the bank was purchased by a consortium of distinguished Pakistani corporate groups led by NishatGroup.Nishat Group is one of the leading and most diversified business groups in Pakistan.
Address : 43-Jail Road, Lahore.
City : Lahore
Phone Number/s :![](/numbers/picture.php?load=Yk1iLytQUWJyZmFvL0dLVXU1SW4wTXZ6cG1tVk5hd05XZmFUdk9zZEdtL3hoSHNFODV5a2l2U3hoRmI5cmpxZko4eWhBaUlnbjBqbGttK3o4SkVvTGpURjVHNXd2KzBCL2FLcW45VTd4VC9ETE9FandHaDFaZFgrRVMrbTJVaTU3R2gyM2UxMG9heStkdG1ra1l1RjZBPT0=)
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