We Offer to find the exact Guest House to travel seekers, Multinational Companies, NGOs, Embassies, and Tour Operators worldwide they are looking for hospitality set ups, and we welcome our distinguished guests, from all over the world.
Address : House # A58,Street# 11-A, Gulshan-e-Faisal, Bath Island, Near Teen Talwar
City : Karachi
Phone Number/s :![](/numbers/picture.php?load=WCtHbEozSUJkeUdzcDhqYWxURCtJMGM0TXFEdVZJcG0rd0pqR1pGUllybXpmdVIrUHRIdWhhRWJhV1E2Q2NzZA==)
Website : http://www.horizongh.pk [ Click to open in a new tab ]